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How to take the perfect party selfie

December 6, 2013
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The festive season has provided celebrities with another excuse to fill our Instagram and Twitter feeds with selfies. Barack Obama was even spotted taking a selfie at Nelson Mandela's memorial service this week. If you want to share a party selfie but aren't quite sure how, take note of these five handy tips compiled by travel brand Expedia that will help you master the ultimate self-portrait... 

Selfie queen Kim Kardashian recently showed her fans how to capture the perfect self-portrait.

  • Consider the camera angle. Ideally, the phone should be held above your head so you are looking up towards the camera. This will highlight the definition of your face and will avoid any saggy skin or embarrassing double chin moments. It will also elongate your body, making you appear taller and slimmer.
  • Avoid the outstretched arm. The best selfies are those that look natural - like you just "happened" to have captured yourself looking beautiful in that moment. To achieve this, it is very important to remember the position of your arm and try to avoid it from being in the shot if possible.
  • Bear in mind the background. What else is in the shot with you? Don’t waste hours posing and making yourself look picture-perfect only to show the world a pile of dirty washing in the process. Nothing says ‘sophisticated selfie’ quite like a shot of you posing in your bikini with your gran asleep on a sun lounger in the background.
  • Move away from the mirror. "Hey everyone, I’ve been standing in front of this mirror admiring myself and I’ve decided I look SO good I thought I’d better take a picture of it and share it with you all so you can admire me too." No. You’re not the evil queen in Snow White. Prove you still have a modicum of modesty and move away from the mirror.
  • Forget the flash. Kim Kardashian is a flash fan for the supposed ‘high definition’ effect but the reality is, unless you’re in a dark, windowless room, the flash rarely works.

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