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I tried Chrissy Teigen's anti-sweating Botox treatment - and it is lifechanging

Goodbye excessive sweating, hello confidence

Tania Leslau
Lifestyle Writer
Updated: February 24, 2023
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The body is a wonderful thing, but it can also be painfully annoying at times too. Cue hyperhidrosis, which has haunted me and my family for generations. The condition, be it common, is not cute, with the main symptom taking the form of excessive sweating when not in a hot climate, feeling stressed or while exercising.

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Even certain celebrities have opened up about the woes of being a sweaty person. Chrissy Teigen opened up about her sweat-induced struggles, saying that getting her hyperhidrosis treated was "the best move she's ever made."

injectual faces

INJECTUAL offer an array of treatments from Botox to derma filler

Since I was about 15 years old, I've had anti-sweating botox on my radar – a beacon of hope that would save me a lifetime of embarrassment and allow me to infuse with all-black wardrobe with some colour. Although we are well-acquainted, sweat patches are not my friend when wearing a light hue.

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INJECTUAL made my wish a reality when they offered for me to come into their gleaming Notting Hill-based clinic and try the treatment out. I'd only ever tried short-term solutions such as using Driclor, but this was truly a life-altering offer. Plus, I'd never been certain if the treatment was worth the cash just to test out – but this was soon to be confirmed as a definitive yes.

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The clinic is based in Notting Hill, West London

INJECTUAL is a London Aesthetics clinic founded by sister duo, plastic-surgeon Dr. Veerle and Joëlle Rotsaert. With a key focus on embracing gender identity, INJECTUAL's treatment menu includes a bespoke dermal filler treatment to help clients enhance their facial features to reflect their gender identity to more typical botox treatments.

What does the procedure involve?

Dr. Thivos conducted my session and administered toxin injections into each armpit. Toxin injections are an effective and convenient way to treat hyperhidrosis and work by blocking the nerve signals responsible for sweating, preventing the sweat glands from producing too much sweat. The actual process was nearly painless – getting my eyebrows threaded was much more uncomfortable. The needs are so small they cause minimal pain, just a very light prick feeling which is almost a tickle.

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Dr. Thivos elaborated on the process: "At INJECTUAL, we believe in the highest standards of safety and excellence and so before any treatment, we allow enough time for a full consultation and visual assessment to assess if the patient is suitable for treatment – this includes checking medical history, determining expectations from and motivations for having the treatment."

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Hyperhidrosis is a common condition which affects many

"Following a Hyperhidrosis consultation, we start by cleaning the area to be treated and map out the skin that shows porosity, including the sweat glands. This area is divided into small segments of approximately 1cm squared and generally, this gives around 15-20 injection points. We then prepare the Botulinum Toxin and inject it very superficially into the dermis to form small blebs - this is important to get the toxin in the right depth of the skin where the sweat glands exist."

What is the aftercare for the treatment?

The aftercare for the treatment was incredibly straightforward. All I had to do was keep the skin clean and dry for four hours post appointment as well as avoiding exercise, hot baths, saunas and steam rooms for the next 24 hours. Dr. Thivos also noted that alcohol should also be avoided 24 hours before and post-treatment to minimise the risk of any bruising.

When do you start to see results?

Botulinum Toxin usually takes two weeks to start having an effect and the full effects settle in by week four for treatment for excessive sweating.

Injectual pics

The clinic was founded by sister duo, plastic-surgeon Dr. Veerle and Joëlle Rotsaert

How long does the treatment last?

Botulinum toxin stays in our body for approximately 120 days - effects gradually fade out over time but most people find a longevity of 3-4 months depending on the individual.

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Does the treatment affect other areas of your body in terms of sweating?

The treatment only affects the area you treat. Dr. Thivos noted that something that some patients often ask is whether they start sweating more somewhere else after having this and the answer is no, it is just those particular sweat glands that are hyperactive, and it wouldn’t trigger anyone to sweat more from somewhere else.

The verdict on INJECTUAL's incredible anti-sweating Botox treatment

Since my appointment, I have not thought about my armpit action once. There have been no uncomfortable sweat patches, zero double doses of deodorant and I feel much more confident in tighter clothing. The only evidence that I'd even had any form of treatment done was two tiny pea-sized bruises on my underarms which disappeared within 24 hours. The aftermath was totally pain-free.

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INJECTUAL also offer a host of carefully produced skincare and beauty products

Dr. Thivos and the INJECTUAL team made the whole experience impossibly easy and efficient – especially for someone who has never had any form of cosmetic work done.

While the treatment is not cheap at £595 a pop, it really is a game-changer. I feel happier in my own skin and would definitely consider saving up for another session. With the amount of money I will save on extra clothes washes, over-priced antiperspirants, and good quality clothing devoid of sweat-friendly synthetic fibers, it is worth it. As the saying goes, best not to sweat the small stuff – don't you think?

Having the INJECTUAL botox booster 

About three months later I booked another appointment with INJECTUAL to have my booster treatment. While my symptoms weren't nearly as bad as before I had the initial treatment, the effects had started to wear off. So, it was time for a refresh!

I headed back to the Notting Hill-based clinic and the procedure was just like before. A brief consultation, a few painless needle pricks, and away we were. Dr. Thivos conducted the treatment once again and did so efficiently yet calmly, reassuring me that if there was any discomfort to let him know. (Which, by the way, there wasn't.)

After being advised to stay clear of exercise and hot showers/baths for the remainder of the day, my appointment was completed within about half an hour. The booster kicked in quickly, and within a week or two there was once again no sweat in sight. Result.

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